Arduino Projects

Arduino is one of the most exciting embedded development board evolved from the open source community to learn  and build arduino projects for hobbyists and electronic enthusiasts. It is the best resource for making DIY projects and Prototypes.

The Arduino makes use of different Microprocessors and on-chip microcontrollers to design devices that interact with the sensors and actuators.

The most popular variants of Arduino are Arduino UNO, Arduino YUN, Arduino LEONARDO, Arduino NANO, Arduino MEGA.

Arduino comes with prebuilt shields for ease of interfacing various add-on modules like GSM/GPRS shield, Ethernet shield, USB shield, and Wireless shield for IOT projects.

Articles Written 113

Crazy Bomb Timer

In this post, you will find the construction details of a crazy bomb timer that can be built with the help of a handful of common electronics components available everywhere. Well, get ready to entertain […]

LED Tap Light/Stick Touch Lamp Mod

This little post is about modifying a standard LED Tap Light/Stick Touch Light to run on the Arduino platform with additional features. Okay, let’s get started! Tap Light? So, what’s a Tap Light? Simply, the […]

Pro Mini Pull-Pin Alarm

Here you can find the project details of a simple and low-cost pull-pin security alarm. While travelling, rig the alarm unit to your luggage using the alarm security cable. If so, when somebody tries remove […]

Laser Monkey Scarer v1

There has been a drastic and steep increase in the number of monkeys coming into my backyard over the last few months. Below you can see a shot taken by my surveillance camera. So, naturally […]

Pro Mini Beacon Light

This is an updated version of an old project that was published in EFY Magazine (print) 21 years ago! Now you can see that article here This time I’m using a minuscule microcontroller to […]