Electronic Circuits

In this section you will learn and build simple electronic circuits projects. You will make interesting analog electronic circuits useful in daily life. Moreover, you will know electronic circuit design using circuit elements.

The circuits include home made electronic circuits, hobbyist circuits and prototypes.

Articles Written 245

Little 1 Key DC Touch Dimmer

If you’re an active electronics hobbyist or maker, sometimes you may get a request from your close friend or neighbor to build a very economical table lamp or bedroom lamp for him/her but with some […]

Universal Tilt Sensor

Tilt sensors come in umpteen flavors. The cheapest and most common flavor is the belittled SW-520D tilt sensor module you can find everywhere. Key component in the demoed module is one SW-520D ‘roll ball switch’ […]

Little Hydrophone

This article is about building a little hydrophone that can be used to record underwater sounds. Professional hydrophones used in science world are relatively costly, and even do it yourself ideas feature expensive components. As […]

3-Wire PC Fan Tips & Tricks

A fan failure in today’s advanced electronic projects may result in other delicate and expensive components failing, causing costly repairs and delays. A 3-wire PC fan is an easy and inexpensive way to prevent such […]

Charge-Pump Primer

If you build battery/usb powered electronics projects, often you’ll be in need of a high-voltage power supply. That is a power supply that has an output voltage higher than that catered by the battery. One […]

CMOS Toggle Switch with CD4049

Here’s a simple and clever way to build a toggle switch with a quite popular, highly available, and cheap CMOS logic chip CD4049UB. Since the little electronic toggle switch presented here is an easy to […]