Electronic Circuits

In this section you will learn and build simple electronic circuits projects. You will make interesting analog electronic circuits useful in daily life. Moreover, you will know electronic circuit design using circuit elements.

The circuits include home made electronic circuits, hobbyist circuits and prototypes.

Articles Written 247

3D Printers & Endstops

With the start of a new year, I wanted to share more thoughts on Endstops! How to construct an endstop myself? This is by far the most common question I hear from 3DP tyros. So […]

LED Strobe Primer – Part 1

Certainly, I’m not going to share something about constructing your own strobe for use in discotheques. Let me make little headway against the topic – LED strobes! Strobing? Yes, Strobing! Note that with the help […]

Photoelectric Light Sensor

It’s rather ridiculous to think how cheap you can get light sensor modules today. Sure, you’ll get those by online for a couple of coins! Most Chinese light sensor modules have a photo resistor or […]