
Articles Written 15

Lady Beetle LED

Lady Beetle LED is nothing but a little automatic model toy light, may be a nice Xmas gift for your loved companion. Here’s its tried and tested circuit diagram: As you can see, the circuit […]

Little LED Night Marker (v1)

Little LED Night Marker introduced here is a simple circuit based on the common and cheap dual-operational amplifier LM358. The night marker is in fact a safety device designed to mount near obstructions in unilluminated […]

USB LED Flashlight

USB LED Flashlight presented here is a simple do-it-yourself rechargeable flashlight with built in rechargeable cell, cell charger, white light source, and a standard usb interface for overnight charging. Since the design is based on […]

PWM to Voltage Module (v1)

Late month I’d got an order from my neighboring client to build a pulse width modulation to dc voltage converter module that’s compatible with common microcontrollers and PLCs. Since it’s a fussy time for me […]